Thursday, October 9, 2008

Shouts to My Fellow Scholars.

Live from the Library

What's good!?! As I sit in the library and type this I just look at these kids and I see the stress on their faces. I wonder why I don't look AS stress as them but who knows. Probably because I'm cool as a cucumber. At this point in the semester you start to appreciate the little things like homecooked meals when you get the chance, fresh laundry, or a canceled class or two. For the High Schoolers I can't really relate since its been so long plus I didn't go to your traditional high school. So to my fellow students stretching those summer job funds or splurging off refund checks I just want to let you know I feel you.We got a long weekend to regroup and I just want to thank God Nike has been dropping basura or I would be broke. Packages? No way buddy, unnecessary round' these parts. Have a great day. PEAAAACE.

Sidenote: Basketball is back!!! Lets gooooo Lakers and Eagles!!

1 comment:

Starbright said...

I totally splurged my refund check on rent and clothes. :)